Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Old College Try

Between the late night workouts and the double shifts (and the fact that it's been everyday for almost three weeks, meow) this writing business is getting harder to do in an efficient, high caliber manner.  These midnight deadlines make a two-paragraph blurb feel like a thirty-page thesis.   I'm skipping sleep to write them, typing away furiously, the more I write the less I say, composing without editing, publishing without proofreading, tearing out of the dorms in my pajamas, and barely making it to class on time to serve my professors a piping-hot plate of sob story.  My printer was broken, I ran out of ink, my computer crashed and I had to strart all over again at 10 PM last night, wah wah wah, I swear I'm a better student than this.  Meanwhile I look like hell and I'm handing in a product that would've been better if only I'd given myself more time to do it.  Why, oh, why do I always wait 'til the night before?

At least this time I have a decent excuse.  In this project, every night is the night before.  I thought the end of school meant the end of homework... I was so pumped about that...

Is it so bad to want to unwind like a red-blooded couch potato every now and then, watching some good old fashioned American TV while enjoying a finely crafted European beer?  Can't I just take this one night off and pick it all up again tomorrow?


Give a boy and inch and he'll walk all over himself.

Here's the deal: I've been trying to write this post for just about two hours now and nothing really developed.  I've decided I'm okay with that.  I may not have accomplished I what set out to in the beginning but that doesn't mean I came up empty handed.  When faced with a particularly formidable obstacle, you can't always get through it in a day.  The important thing to do is to keep BANGING your head against that wall for a hours on end without any concern for public opinion or personal safety until you lose to much blood to stay conscious and finally knock yourself out.  Brains to bricks, baby.  That's how we learn.

The act of trying is satisfying in its own right.  At least people who give it a proper go get to keep their pride.  For me, I walk away from this post with a lesson in humility and maybe even a few ideas for tomorrow.  I have no doubt that I will sleep well tonight.

Day 19.  A very successful workout.  The blog? ... Couldda been worse.

Thanks for reading.  See you tomorrow.

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